Eri Mullooly-Hill Konishi
マルリヒル小西 江莉                                  

PACFA Reg. Clinical 28746, DTAA(DMT Prof Reg.No.222-02), ADMPUK(RDMP)

Photo by Yuko Masuda

Photo by Yuko Masuda

I've always thought dancing has some sort of special power in it.

In my early 20s, I became attracted towards working in a profession that allows me to connect to others more genuinly at a deeper level.

My early encounters with DMP brought these two things together organically.

​While I was studing DMP, I started to realise how beautiful and powerful those movements coming from "within" can be.

​Dancing in DMP is more about "being moved" than "moving", because our body is mainly being guided by sensations, feelings, images...what comes naturally from within, rather than from the intellectual head.

​In those moments, we can just be and reconnect to who we truely are.

This is where our body and mind becomes one. A moment of truth. A moment of deeply appreciating the simple fact that we are alive and that we are all part of the natural world.

​And I believe where we experience deep awareness and realisation is the source for transformation.














Eri currently works and moves with diverse communities in lutruwita (Tasmania).

As a Dance Movement Psychotherapist Eri has worked with children with emotional difficulties, adults in mental health settings, older adults with dementia, and kids and adults with learning difficulties. She has also offered Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP/DMT) sessions to various groups of people in Japan and Australia.  

Drawing the individual’s attention to Body-mind connection, Eri works psychodynamically, relating to people where they are, bringing authenticity and joy into the moment. Her ethics and approach are rooted in DMP, both in working as a Dance Movement Psychotherapist and a Dance Movement artist.

Now residing in lutruwita, she is currently working as a dance movement artist for Second Eco Ensemble, a local inclusive performance company and as a dance tutor for a day care centre for people with special needs. She also offers individual DMP sessions and workshops, and performs locally.

Eri is originally from Japan.
Since a child, she has always been curious about cultural differences, which later encouraged her to travel extensively. She lived in Germany, UK, and Australia, and stayed long-term in India.

In her work Eri welcomes diversity and the richness it can bring to our life.

Since 2019 Eri has been learning Kathak, one of the Indian classical dance forms, and is also involved in a local Bollywood dance group in nipaluna (Hobart).

Eri is a qualified Dance Movement Psychotherapist registered with PACFA Reg. Clinical 28746, DTAA (DMT Prof Reg.No.222-02) and ADMPUK (RDMP), and is trained as a facilitator in The BodyMind Approach for people with Medically Unexpected Symptoms.

BA in Arts in Humanity (Mie University, Japan)
MA in Dance Movement Psychotherapy (Goldsmiths University of London, UK)




​現在は、オーストラリアはタスマニアで知的障がい者デイケア施設でのDMP手法を用いたダンスセッションを担当、また知的障がいを持つ人々とのパフォーマンスカンパニー(Second Echo Ensemble)に所属する傍ら、個人DMPセッションやグループワークショップ、また各地でパフォーマンスなどを行っている。常にDMPのアプローチや考え方を軸としながら、それぞれの場の需要に合わせたスタイルで臨んでいます。








  • オーストラリア・心理療法&カウンセリング協会(PACFA) クリニカルメンバー(Reg.Clinical 28746)

  • オーストラリア・ダンス・ムーブメント・セラピー協会(DTAA)認定 ダンス・ムーブメント・セラピスト プロフェッショナルメンバー(DMT Prof Reg.No. 222-02)

  • ​イギリス・ダンス・ムーブメント・サイコセラピー協会(ADMPUK)認定 ダンス・ムーブメント・サイコセラピスト(RDMP)

  • 原因不明の症状に悩まされる方々を対象にしたボディーマインドアプローチ (The BodyMind Approach) 手法のファシリテーター

2010年より2年間Goldsmiths, University of LondonのDance Movement Psychotherapy修士課程にてダンス・ムーブメントー・サイコセラピー(DMP)を学ぶ。