Voices from Creative Movement Gathering Taster sessions in May 2021…

I found this taster session a great way to share and connect with others.
My experience [of the session] was good, as I can start slowly feeling more comfortable and less self conscious by doing this [class].
— Participant A, Hobart
It was a very comfortable and pleasurable experience for me.
I found you a very generous, clear and safe facilitator.
— Participant B, Hobart
Freeing, energising, nourishing.
— Participant C, Lenah Vally
I had a great experience! Eri leads a fun and playful class in a way that made me feel safe and expressive through the creative movement.
— Participant D, Sandy Bay
It was very dynamic and I really enjoyed all the instructions and fun we had in the group. It’s very interesting to experience the body’s response to the movements and music which allows us to relax and be more open-minded.
— Participant E, Bellerive
My experience was of gentle and joyful play with my body and with others. I so loved the sense of playfulness and creativity.
You held such a warm and safe(r) space for us to explore how we might move our bodies in fun and different ways.
I really appreciated the circle that was created between all of us, and the shared joy and journey we went on. I especially loved playing with “props”, and letting the silliness guide an emerging story.
— Participant F, Hobart

Some experience shared by the participants from the 2020 Winter Taster sessions...

It is good to devote time to explore this [our experience during the COVID pandemic] and to express it through movement. You took great care of us making it safe to share. I loved the journey. I felt every session feeling nourished by the experience.

There was more talking than I expected. The talking and sharing added to the depth of the movement experience. The drawing was a surprise and like the movement was an opportunity to express and record feeling that might have been limited by words.
— Participant A, Dodges Ferry
A calming experience - good balance of ‘doing’ and ‘talking’. Eri was open to all people, all levels non-judgementally, totally present for participants, to create a ‘safe’ environment. I liked the different weekly focus and non-verbal drawing exercises - and time to find our own ways at a good pace.

Perhaps I was initially expecting more explanation of the ‘process’ we would experience - but am not sure that was necessory, once we got into it.
— Participant B, Dodges Ferry